
Americans Anticipate Long Wait Before the Economy Returns to Normal

April 21, 2020

It makes common sense that Americans are worried right now, but a new survey from the Wall Street Journal and NBC News is shedding light on what they are worried about. 

The survey found that, despite recent protests against the economic shutdown, the majority of Americans are more afraid that restrictions will be lifted too early. 58% of the respondents are afraid that the U.S. will move too quickly in loosening restrictions, as compared to 32% who worry that the U.S. will take too long.

The results are somewhat at odds with Americans’ expectations about the economic recovery. When asked when they expect the virus to be contained and normal economic activity to return, just 15% anticipate this taking place in the next few weeks. The biggest portion, 45%, believe this will take place in the next few months, and 26% don’t think this will happen until next year.

The survey paints a picture of a public that knows economic recovery and normalizations could be a slow, long process, but who are willing to wait until public safety can be assured.

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